Lyd's Zines
Lyd Zine #1
THE PUBLIC RESTROOM ZINE Description: A survey of friends and family, documenting their favorite public restrooms and the procedures for washing their hands. Page size: 4.25 x 5.5 inch 28 pages Available on Etsy |
Lyd Zine #2
DOGS I KNOW and some I don't Description: Some dogs and their personalities Page size: 4.25 x 5.5 inch 24 pages Available on Etsy |
Lyd Zine #3
Mother-in-law Tips Description: Tips I learned from my mother-in-law Page size: 4.25 x 3.5 inch 5 Pages 4 Tips Available on Etsy |
Lyd Zine #4
A Perzine: A trip and a tooth Description: Excerpts from the sketchbook Page size: 4.25 x 5.5 inch 24 pages Available on Etsy |
Lyd Zine #5
A Perzine Description: Excerpts from the sketchbook journal Page size: 4.25 x 5.5 inch 24 pages Available on Etsy |
Lyd Zine #6 A Perzine Description: Excerpts from a sketchbook journal Page size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches 28 pages Available on Etsy |
Lyd Zine #7 A Perzine Description: Excerpts from a sketchbook journal Page size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches 28 pages Available on Etsy |
Lyd Zine #8 A Perzine Description: Excerpts from a sketchbook journal Page size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches 28 pages Available on Etsy |
Lyd Zine #9 (Mini Zine)
WHAT are vultures good for? Description: Answers the questions, "What are vultures good for?" and "How can vultures digest bones?" 2.5 inches x 4.25 inches 6 pages Available on Etsy |